Li Jun Attends Online Video Conference on COVID-19 Response Between Ruling Parties of China and Venezuela
 ( 2020.05.29 )

On the morning of May 29th, Li Jun, Vice-minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee attended an online video conference on COVID-19 response between the ruling parties of China and Venezuela. Wang Hesheng, member of Standing Committee of the CPC Hubei Provincial Committee and Director of the Hubei Provincial Health Commission and Diosdado Cabello, First Vice President of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) attended and addressed the event via video link. Guests attending the video conference were Chinese Ambassador to Venezuela Li Baorong, relevant principal officials, experts and representatives from Hubei province and Wuhan as well as Venezuelan Ambassador to China Ivan Zerpa Guerrero, relevant PSUV leaders, and Venezuelan medical experts. Both sides had in-depth exchanges on how to give play to the party’s core leadership in epidemic prevention and the role of primary-level party organizations in fighting the disease.

Li mainly briefed on the achievements and experience and practices in COVID-19 response under the CPC’s leadership, and relevant information on the just-concluded Two Sessions. Li said, confronted by the COVID-19, the ruling parties of China and Venezuela have always put people’s interests first, helped and supported each other and worked together to defeat the virus. It is a testimony of people-oriented approach pursued by the two Parties as well as the true friendship between friends in times of adversity. The video conference between the CPC and PSUV is a unique inter-party exchange. The CPC is ready to strengthen cooperation and experience sharing with the PSUV in fighting the epidemic, so as to jointly defeat the epidemic and contribute to building a community with a shared future for mankind.

Cabello congratulated China on the convening of the Two Sessions, and spoke highly of the major strategic outcomes the Chinese people have made in curbing the COVID-19 under the strong leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the CPC. Extending gratitude to China for offering support and assistance to Venezuela, Cabello noted that China’s experience has played a vital role in Venezuela’s epidemic containment. The PSUV is willing to deepen exchanges with the CPC, and boost anti-epidemic cooperation between both countries in a bid to overcome the difficulties.
