China and Vanuatu Hold Virtual Exchanges on COVID-19 Response
 ( 2020.07.01 )

On July 1st, political parties of China and Vanuatu, taking the theme of fighting COVID-19 together and seeking for development, held virtual exchanges on COVID-19 pandemic response. Song Tao, Minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee (IDCPC) and Bob Loughman, President of the Vanua’aku Party and Prime Minister of Vanuatu, attended and addressed the function. Guests attending the event also included leaders of main Vanuatuan political parties and cabinet members.

Song noted that the current China-Vanuatu relations are at their best in history and serve as a role model for relations between China and Pacific island countries. President Xi Jinping and leaders of Vanuatu held meetings and elevated China-Vanuatu relations to the comprehensive strategic partnership of mutual respect and common development, thus charting the course for bilateral cooperation. The CPC has maintained close exchanges with the Vanua’aku Party and other main political parties of Vanuatu. We appreciate Vanuatu’s firm support for China on issues related to Taiwan, Hong Kong and Xinjiang, and are ready to enhance political mutual trust and exchanges of experience on state governance and administration with Vanuatuan political parties, and contribute the strength of political parties to China-Vanuatu relations, so as to benefit the two countries and the two peoples.

Song expressed that the sudden onslaught of COVID-19 has hit countries around the world hard. In the face of the virus, the CPC Central Committee with General Secretary Xi Jinping at its core has always given top priority to the safety and health of the people, and China has scored major strategic outcomes in COVID-19 response. China has taken an active part in international anti-pandemic cooperation, and provided assistance within its capacity to all countries. Attempts of stigmatizing China by certain countries under the disguise of the pandemic win no support and also seriously hinder the global concerted efforts in fighting against the pandemic. China is prepared to provide more support to Pacific island countries to help them prevent and control the disease, restore economy and improve people’s livelihood, in a bid to advance the building of a global health community for all.

Loughman asked Song to convey his warm greetings to General Secretary Xi, and extended his warm congratulations to China as today marks the 99th anniversary of the founding of the CPC and the 23rd anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to motherland. Vanuatu is grateful for China’s long-term help to Vanuatu’s economic and social development as well as for its timely assistance to Vanuatu’s fight against the COVID-19 and hurricanes this year. Political parties in Vanuatu firmly uphold the one-China policy, support China’s efforts to safeguard national security, and expect to enhance exchanges and mutual learning with the CPC, so as to push Vanuatu-China comprehensive strategic partnership for new progress and jointly build a community with a shared future for mankind.

Guo Yezhou, IDCPC Vice-minister, presided over the event. Zhou Haicheng, Chinese Ambassador to China, was also present at the event.
