Liu Jianchao Meets a Delegation of Awami League of Bangladesh
 ( 2023.05.25 )

Beijing, May 24th—Liu Jianchao, Minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee (IDCPC), met here today with a delegation from the Awami League of Bangladesh, led by Muhammad Faruk Khan, Presidium member of the Awami League and Chairman of the Standing Committee on Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Parliament.

Liu said, the friendship between China and Bangladesh was established by the elder generations of leaders of the two countries and has been continuously inherited and developed in the new era. In recent years, General Secretary Xi Jinping and President of the Awami League and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina have maintained close exchanges, elevating bilateral relations to a strategic cooperative partnership and charting the course for the development of bilateral relations. In the face of changes unseen in a century, pursuing peace, seeking development, and promoting cooperation are the common aspirations of China, Bangladesh, and other developing countries and countries in the region. Currently, both China and Bangladesh have entered a new stage of development and rejuvenation, where the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation aligns with the dream of "Golden Bangladesh". The Chinese side is willing to strengthen practical cooperation with the Bangladeshi side based on the principle of good neighborliness, align the Belt and Road Initiative with Bangladesh's Digital Bangladesh and Vision 2041, and enhance bilateral practical cooperation and regional development and stability.

Liu expressed that inter-party exchanges have effectively promoted the development of China-Bangladesh relations. The CPC is willing to enhance institutionalized exchanges and exchanges at various levels with the Awami League, provide mutual support on issues involving each other's core interests, engage in exchanges and mutual learning on topics such as party building, poverty alleviation, and governance, promote cooperation in areas such as local government, youth, women, and media, and contribute to the economic and social development of both countries. It is hoped that both sides will work together to implement the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative, constantly enrich the content of inter-party exchanges, uphold true multilateralism, firmly oppose hegemonism and power politics, promote the democratization of international relations, make the international order fairer and more equitable, safeguard the common interests of developing countries, and promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

Faruk Khan expressed that shortly after the end of the pandemic, he led a high-level delegation from the Awami League to visit China, which fully demonstrates the Bangladeshi side's high regard for the development of Bangladesh-China relations. The Awami League values the traditional friendship with the CPC and sincerely thanks the Chinese side for its strong support in combating the pandemic and infrastructure construction in Bangladesh. President Sheikh Hasina has established a deep personal friendship with General Secretary Xi Jinping, charting the course for the development of bilateral relations. The Bangladeshi side hopes to work with the Chinese side to implement the important consensus reached by the leaders of both countries, promote close personnel exchanges, align the Vision 2041 with the Belt and Road Initiative, enhance exchanges between youth, women, and think tanks of both countries, and advance the development of bilateral relations. The Bangladeshi side adheres to a foreign policy of "friendship to all and malice towards none”, firmly upholds the One-China principle, and firmly believes that under the leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping, China will achieve even greater development achievements.

The two sides also had in-depth exchanges of views on regional and international issues of common concern.
