A Delegation Led by Qian Hongshan Visits Cambodia to Observe General Election
 ( 2023.07.26 )

Upon the invitation of the Cambodian side, a delegation led by Qian Hongshan, Vice-minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee, visited Cambodia from July 20th to July 24th to observe the seventh general election.

During the visit, Qian Hongshan participated in a collective meeting with Samdech Techo Hun Sen, President of the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) and Cambodian Prime Minister, and met respectively with Khuon Sudary, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPP and Second Vice President of the National Assembly of Cambodia, Prak Sokhonn, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPP, Chairman of the External Relations Commission of the CPP, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Cambodia, Suos Yara, First Vice Chairman of the External Relations Commission of the CPP and Chairman of the Fifth Committee of the National Assembly of Cambodia, and others. Qian spoke positively of Cambodia's achievements in economic and social development, saying that the Chinese side firmly supports the Cambodian people in independently choosing a development path suited to their national conditions, firmly supports Cambodia in safeguarding national independence, sovereignty, security, and development interests, and firmly opposes external interference in Cambodia's internal affairs. The Chinese side attaches great importance to its relations with Cambodia. The Chinese side is willing to continue to strengthen exchanges and cooperation in various fields including inter-party exchanges and join hands to build a China-Cambodia community with a shared future in the new era. The Cambodian side thanked the Chinese side for sending high-level observers to Cambodia to observe the general election and expressed willingness to deepen exchanges between the two Parties at all levels and experience exchange and mutual learning in state governance and administration, so as to push the traditional friendship and the building of a community with a shared future between Cambodia and China to a new level and better benefit the two countries and the two peoples.

During the visit, Qian and his delegation observed political campaigns, observed the election process at polling stations, and attended a press conference.
