Liu Jianchao Delivers a Speech at the Körber Foundation
 ( 2023.10.20 )

Germany, October 12th—Liu Jianchao, Minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee, delivered a keynote speech here today themed on "the CPC's actions in the world with once-in-a-century changes" at the Political Breakfast of the Körber Foundation upon invitation. Presided by Thomas Paulsen, Member of the Executive Board, the function was attended by over 40 participants including government officials of Germany, members of parliament from all parties, think tank scholars, representatives from the business circles, and media reporters.

Liu said, the international situation is undergoing profound and complex changes now. China, Germany, and the Europe are all facing common tasks such as maintaining stable growth, advancing reform, making structural adjustments, and improving living standards. No matter how the international situation evolves, the Chinese people's pursuit of a better life will not stop, their determination to pursue the path of peaceful development will not waver, and their stance of seeking prosperity and stability with other countries in the world will not change. China is willing to work with all European countries, including Germany, to strengthen strategic communication, enhance political mutual trust, focus on development cooperation, and jointly respond to global challenges. Calling the Körber Foundation an important bridge for dialogue between China and Germany, Liu said it had made efforts in and contributed to promoting mutual understanding between China and Europe. The Chinese side is willing to carry out exchanges with all walks of life in Germany through the Foundation, so as to promote greater development of China-Germany and China-Europe relations. Liu also shared views and understanding with the participants from the perspective of the CPC's concepts of development, peace, civilization, and cooperation.

Liu expressed, the CPC not only focuses on China's development, but also emphasizes promoting the common development of the world. General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed the Global Development Initiative, calling on all countries to focus on development. Currently, China is focusing on promoting high-quality development and fully implementing the new development philosophy of innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development. China is promoting open development, and stepping up efforts to foster a new development paradigm with domestic circulation as the mainstay and domestic and international circulations reinforcing each other. The country is creating a first-class business environment to provide a broader market and more business opportunities for all countries. The country is promoting green and low-carbon development. With the "dual carbon" goals, China is leading the global ecological civilization efforts with practical actions. China is also propelling common development of the world. It has established a Global Development and South-South Cooperation Fund, and is promoting the implementation of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The CPC advocates a new path to security that features dialogue over confrontation, partnership over alliance and win-win over zero-sum. The Global Security Initiative proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping highlights the necessity to stay committed to the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, and give due regard to the legitimate security concerns of all countries. The Chinese side stays committed to peacefully resolving differences and disputes through dialogue and consultation, and has always been a builder of world peace.

The CPC advocates equality, inclusiveness, and mutual learning among civilizations, encourages civilizations to share the best of what they each have to offer through exchanges. General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed the Global Civilization Initiative, helping the international community gather spiritual strength to jointly respond to global challenges. The CPC is the inheritor and innovator of Chinese civilization. It uses the development of other civilizations as its own reference and always draws wisdom and seeks nourishment from other excellent civilizations of mankind. China calls for carrying forward the common values of the mankind and abandoning clash of civilizations. Socialism with Chinese characteristics is rooted in Chinese cultural tradition, suitable for China's national conditions, and has a profound historical foundation and distinctive Chinese characteristics. We respect all countries' independent choice of their own systems and paths, and are willing to strengthen experience exchange in state governance and administration, to continuously enrich national governance and global governance solutions.

The CPC advocates unity, cooperation, mutual benefit and win-win results, and works with the world to build a community with a shared future for mankind. At the moment, global economic recovery is still weak. It is all the more important to bring down "exclusive yards with high walls" and strive for win-win outcomes for all. There is no fundamental conflict of interest between China and Europe. The consensus outweighs differences. China and Europe should view "interdependence" more comprehensively and objectively, oppose "decoupling and severing industrial and supply chains" in the name of "de-risking", and should jointly secure global industrial and supply chains. President Xi Jinping will attend the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation. The Chinese side is willing to work with the European side to strengthen the docking of the Belt and Road Initiative with the EU's Global Gateway plan, as well as the development strategies of all European countries to achieve common development.

Liu answered questions from the guests and expounded on Chinese modernization, China-US relations, China-EU relations, cooperation among emerging economies, climate change, the Ukraine crisis, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Hong Kong issue, Taiwan question, and South China Sea issue.

Inaugurated in 1959, the Körber Foundation is a renowned corporate foundation in Germany.  Established in 2004, Political Breakfast is one of the most important dialogue platforms of the Foundation which has significant recognition and influence in Germany, Europe and the world at large.
