Outstanding Results
The Outstanding Results of CPC'S International Relations
2014.11.02 /

By party-to-party relations and the advantage of political party contacts, CPC's international relations have played a very positive role in establishing, developing and consolidating China's relations with foreign countries. The exchange of experience in party building and state governance is significant in elevating CPC's governing ability and advancing a healthy progress of party-to-party relations. The economic topics in party-to-party relations help China's reform and opening-up and socialist modern construction. Meanwhile, they facilitate the economic and trade cooperation of China and other countries. By exchange of ideas on issues of common interest, mutual understanding and trust has been increased and this is very good for world peace and stability. Party-to-party relations have made China better understood by the rest of the world, also exhibited China's good image in its reform and opening-up, and in development and cooperation. 

CPC's international relations have facilitated a healthy and stable progress of state-to-state relations 

The CPC's international relations have, for decades, coordinated with China's foreign diplomacy. They have a unique role in facilitating the progress of healthy and stable state-to-state relations when political instability and frequent change of governments happen in some countries. The role is seen in the following:

The party-to-party relations have functioned as a cornerstone for the state-to-state relations. It has been repeatedly proved that high-level contacts and political dialogues between two parties, ruling parties in socialist countries in particular, are vital to advance the development of state-to-state relations. Since the reform and opening-up, CPC top leaders have led delegations to many countries of all the five continents. They have met their state and political leaders. They have also received many foreign party delegations and important political figures coming to China. Dialogues with them have covered a wide range of topics, which have helped the progress of state relations with all.

As an "accelerator," party-to-party relations have facilitated the progress of state relations. Party-to-party relations cover both the party in office and the party not in power, established or up and coming people. The contacts with parties in power are for consolidating state relations, while the relations with the parties not in power will keep the state relations stable and continue if the political situation changes. Many state leaders, before they assume office, had already been China's friends. After they assume office, they have made active efforts in advancing friendship with China. By contacts with young political figures, the CPC has laid foundations for future state-to-state relations.

Party-to-party contacts also include the work on the countries that have not established diplomatic relations with China, and this is an advantage of the party-to-party contacts. For many years, the CPC has brought this advantage to a maximum display. By contacts with legal parties in these countries, the CPC has made numerous friends all over the world, which is a solid foundation for the normalization of state-to-state relations later.

CPC’s international relation have elevated CPC’s governing ability 

As a party in power, with over 70 million members and leading a country of 1.3 billion people, the CPC is facing, among other tasks, a mission how to keep shoulder to shoulder with the changing international and domestic situations, and how to improve its leading and governing abilities. To accomplish this mission, the CPC needs to put its feet on Chinese situation with a broad global vision.

Fully aware of this, the CPC attaches much importance to party-to-party contacts, which make a window on the outside world, a way to understand it, to study the rules of social progress, socialist construction and Communist Party's governing, and an approach to learning successful experience and measures of foreign counterparts. The CPC has drawn experience from other party's lessons, and their experiences have enriched its own thinking. All of CPC top, department and local leaders are enthusiastic in international relation work, able to get the latest information of foreign experiences and practices in present-day world politics, economy, culture and science and technology. The information has helped them to improve their way of working, governing ability, working mechanism, and enabled them to grasp the pulse of the present-day world, to have correct judgments of international situation, timely to follow the world trend and to absorb successful foreign experience, and eventually, made them more innovative in building a more brilliant civilization with Chinese socialist characteristics.

CPC's international relations have facilitated China's socialist modern construction 

After the reform and opening-up began, the CPC has firmly taken development as the most important task in governance of the party and the state, vigorously advanced the reform and opening-up and the socialist modern construction. Centering on domestic work, the CPC has broadened the domain of its international relations, and by continuously increasing the economic factor to serve the reform and opening-up and modern construction.

While developing relations with foreign political parties, the CPC has added study trips to foreign economic construction projects, discussion about foreign development strategy, and the challenges China has faced after the entry of the WTO. Provincial and municipal party leaders have brought business people along with them when visiting foreign countries. By doing so, they have made China's established business units and significant projects known to foreign countries. They have recommended business partners and facilitated the completion of some cooperation projects. In coordination with Chinese governmental projects, like the "Western development," "Northeast revitalization," and the "rise of central parts of China," the CPC has arranged for many foreign parties, groups and friends to visit these areas. The CPC has also arranged for local party leaders in these areas to visit foreign countries. All these arrangements have brought satisfactory results.

CPC’s international relations have shown the world a good image of the CPC 

China has withstood many storms from significant domestic or international happenings since the beginning of the reform and opening-up. China has managed to maintain a stable society, fast progressing economy, continuously improved life of Chinese people and China's international status much higher than before. More and more foreign political parties and statesmen hope to know more about China's experience in the fast economic progress and CPC's experience in governing the country. By contacts, many foreign parties have gained a fairly complete picture of China. Misunderstandings and doubts have been reduced. Behind China's peaceful rise, they have seen a firm and pragmatic party adhering to reform and opening-up, seeking world peace and development, and keeping up with the paces of times. They have seen a socialist road with Chinese characteristics, along which China, led by the CPC, is experiencing big changes day by day. What they have seen will definitely, in a positive way, influence their policies.

Contacts with foreign parties of different ideology, talks with them about world peace and development, multi-polarization and economic globalization, relations of big countries, significant international and regional issues and bilateral relations, have facilitated mutual understanding and trust. By contacts with some think-tanks or experts on international relations in Western developed countries, more common ground has been reached. Through party channels, the CPC has invited some parliament members or journalists to visit China, let them see China with their own eyes. After their trips, many have changed their original and incorrect ideas about China. On many occasions, they have talked about the achievements of China's reform and opening-up, and this is very significant for Western people to form a well-informed opinion about China.

CPC's international relations have facilitated world peace and stability 

Peace and development make the trend of present world, yet problems do exist like instable international situation, hot, even explosive, issues and regional turbulences. With China's elevated international status and influence, the international society earnestly wishes to see a bigger role of China in maintaining world peace and stability.

In this new situation, and out of the need from China's general diplomatic strategy, the CPC has invited major political parties from "hot regions" to visit China, or sent CPC delegations to these areas. By contacts with different political forces, and by honest and open talks, the CPC has urged them to go back to negotiations. CPC's role has been significant to the solution of disputes and regional stability.


Source: International Relations of the Communist Party of China, edited by Zhong Lianyan, Beijing: China Intercontinental Press, 2007.10