Office Lineup
Office Lineup
2023.08.08 / Source: /

General Office

The General Office facilitates the daily work of the IDCPC leadership by managing the circulation of documents, telegrams and information. It also coordinates the general administrative affairs of the Department, including, among others, finance, asset management and asset auditing.

Research Office

The Research Office studies and analyzes the overall international situation, development trend of world political parties and major issues of global significance. It also coordinates the overall research work of the Department.

Bureau I (South and Southeast Asian Affairs)

The Bureau manages contacts with political parties and political organizations in South Asian and Southeast Asian countries. It also carries out research on relevant political parties, political organizations and countries in the region.

Bureau II (Northeast Asian and Indochina Affairs)

The Bureau manages contacts with political parties and political organizations in Northeast Asian countries and Indochina. It also carries out research on relevant political parties, political organizations and countries in the region.

Bureau III (West Asian and North African Affairs)

The Bureau manages contacts with political parties and political organizations in West Asian and North African countries. It also carries out research on relevant political parties, political organizations and countries in the region.

Bureau IV (African Affairs)

The Bureau manages contacts with political parties and political organizations in sub-Saharan countries. It also carries out research on relevant political parties, political organizations and countries in the region.

Bureau V (Latin American Affairs)

The Bureau manages contacts with political parties and political organizations in Latin American and Caribbean countries. It also carries out research on relevant political parties, political organizations and countries in the region.

Bureau VI (East European and Central Asian Affairs)

The Bureau manages contacts with political parties and political organizations in East European and Central Asian countries. It also carries out research on relevant political parties, political organizations and countries in the region.

Bureau VII (North American, Oceanic and Nordic Affairs)

The Bureau manages contacts with political parties and political organizations in North American, Oceanic and Nordic countries as well as in the United Kingdom, Ireland and Malta. It also interacts with international organizations of political parties, such as the Socialist International. Besides it carries out relevant research on the above-mentioned political parties, organizations and countries.

Bureau VIII (Western European Affairs)

The Bureau manages contacts with political parties and political organizations in Western European countries. It also carries out research on relevant political parties, political organizations and countries in the region.

Bureau of Foreign Affairs Coordination

The Bureau coordinates the foreign affairs work of departments and offices directly under the CPC Central Committee and CPC committees at provincial and equivalent levels.

Bureau of Public Information and Communication

The Bureau studies the theory and practice of CPC’s international communication work. It makes the overall plan and coordinates relevant efforts to carry out communication-related work for the Party’s external engagements and releases information in this regard. It also coordinates international communication projects assigned by the CPC Central Committee.

Protocol Bureau

It manages protocol matters for in-coming and out-going delegations organized by the Department in the name of the CPC or the IDCPC.

Personnel Bureau

The Bureau manages all personnel-related work including recruiting, appraising, appointing, removing, training and paying staff as well as adjusting organizational setups and setting staff quota. It is also responsible for the vetting of staff on short outbound trips, and the rotation and management of personnel stationed abroad. Personnel-related affairs of the institutions affiliated to the Department are also under the guidance, supervision and management of this Bureau.

Bureau of Party-related Affairs

The Bureau manages party-building related affairs of the Department to ensure all its members’ theory strengthened and conduct improved, its Party organizations consolidated and discipline enforced. The Department’s trade union, youth organization and women’s organization are also under the management of this Bureau.

Information Center

The Center collects basic facts and data about international affairs and political parties of other countries as reference for the daily work of the Department. It also compiles general materials on a wide variety of topics.