Sun Haiyan Meets with a Delegation of Young, Middle-aged Cadres of Awami League of Bangladesh, Attends the Closing Ceremony of a Seminar for Them
2024.06.07 / Source:

Beijing, June 4th—Sun Haiyan, Vice-minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee (IDCPC), met here today on the morning with a delegation of young and middle-aged cadres of Awami League of Bangladesh at the Museum of the Communist Party of China, and attended the closing ceremony of a seminar for them.  

Sun said, China and Bangladesh are good neighbors and good partners. The two countries share many similarities, as we both have experienced difficult times and eventually achieved independence. And both sides are working tirelessly for lofty development goals while facing various external risks and challenges. As the CPC and the Awami League of Bangladesh are both the ruling parties of the two countries, the CPC is willing to work with the Awami League to continuously deepen political mutual trust, strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation, learn from each other, jointly consolidate the China-Bangladesh strategic cooperative partnership and contribute to the well-being of the people of the two countries.  

The Bangladeshi guests said, Bangladesh and China has a long-standing friendship that has withstood the test of time. During this visit to China, they witnessed the tremendous achievements of China's modernization and felt the CPC's determination and strength to comprehensively strengthen party building and preserve the advanced nature and purity of the CPC. The Awami League hopes to deepen exchanges and interactions with the CPC, promote cooperation in various fields between the two countries and the two Parties, and jointly push bilateral relations for greater development.